Mooladhaara: the descent into Prakrithi

We value the ascent, and so it is that with the seven chakras we are eager to rush from the Mooladhara towards the thousand petals of the topmost Sahasrara where we think enlightenment is situated. However, the descent is the movement of contemplation.

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vlogPadma Menon
Prakrithi: Part Two: The Eternal Yearning

Purusha and Prakrithi are the two principle experiential domains of reality. Purusha is the movement out of form, out of time and space, and into the movement beyond all paradigms including those of beginnings and endings, and source and destination. Prakrithi is the movement into form which includes universes, the earth, the mind, senses, thoughts, languages and our body. It is desire or yearning that moves Purusha into form or manifestation and it is desire or yearning that moves Prakrithi towards dissolving of form.

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vlogPadma Menon
Prakrithi-Maatangi Part One

Maatangi literally means the mother of all elephants, connecting us immediately to the elephant symbol of earth (also present in the earth chakra or Mooladhaara). Maatangi is the domain of the weighted pull of the earth—deliberate, slow, ever gracious but magnificently powerful. The lumbering, gentleness belies the strength and power of the elephant space.

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vlogPadma Menon