Goddess Wisdom is Received as Revelation

In Divine Feminine traditions, teaching is received in the form of revelation. Through embodied practices, each woman receives the Goddess wisdom she needs for her particular spiritual or philosophical constraints. The revelation emerges as dance, in movements constellations in Indian dance called Karanas. These Indian dance movements are sophisticated modalities that were also received as revelations by ancient women custodians of Divine Feminine traditions. Indian dance of the Divine Feminine is both the practice towards the emergence of Goddess Wisdom as revelation as well as the holding of those revelations when they emerge. The intimacy of Goddess Wisdom is its strength. Goddess Wisdom is not from a text, a guru or a set of rules. It is a teaching that is relevant to your particular soul's journey.

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Goddess Wisdom is received as Revelation Transcription


Padma Menon

Today I wanted to talk about something that is truly a magical and alchemical aspect of Goddess

traditions. And this is Revelation. Revelation is an important source of wisdom in this Goddess practice,

let me share a story with you so you can see how it works. One of the women that I work with, she has

chosen a particular Goddess as her practice focus. And we had been working together through the

structure of the practice. And one night, just before the practice session with her, the night before the

practice session with her, I heard the sound of a cow mooing the whole night. Now I live in quite a

suburban area. And a cow mooing is certainly not something that could happen ordinarily. So I woke up

at night, and I looked out the window I looked around, couldn't find anything unusual. Nobody else

seemed to be getting up. So I spent the whole night hearing the sound and not knowing what to do

about it. In the morning, when I got up, I reflected and it came to me that as part of this practice I was

doing with her, there was an aspect of the practice called Prishni, or the dappled cow. And this was part

of the various practices of coming into one's playful self, which is the doorway in this Goddess practice.

I wasn't intending to have this as part of the practice for her. But I knew that this was guidance from the

Goddess about something in this practice that she needed. So I brought the practice the next day to the

session. After the practice, she told me that of all the practices we had done about the coming into the

playful self aspect of the practice, this was really the one that helped her to come into the playfulness,

and the lightness, and the state of not bringing the memories and everything from the past and stepping

into the practice with fresh eyes with a sense of adventure, and a sense of lightness. This was an

aspect of the practice she said that she had found a bit challenging, because she had felt that she was

very locked into her roles, including her spiritual role, because she did have a long spiritual practice.

But somehow even that had become quite stuck. So this Prishni practice really helped her to move into

that playful self. I would’t have known if I hadn’t spent that night listening to the cow mooing, that that

would have helped her. And what it revealed to her the teaching it revealed to her was where she was

constrained, which is called Baddha in this practice, where she was constrained in terms of her ability

to open up towards this expansive space of playfulness, and curiosity and adventure. And what we do

when we come into this revelation in the body as the sensation is that we then move it into movements,

which are called Karanas. And Karanas are specialized movements made to hold revelations, made to

hold sensations of revelations. So again, the Karana also comes out of her own body, and it becomes a

practice for her that she can move into, to revisit to come into this space of Revelation and teaching. So

this is a revelation that doesn’t come from the space of linearity from our mind from our thoughts from a

textbook from previous teachings, but it is truly coming out of your own wisdom from your own body,

and it is what you need, and not any not for anyone else. So this is why revelation was always a very

powerful way of that wisdom comes to you in the practice.

Padma Menon