What is an archetype?

Archetype is an important and essential way of experiencing reality. It offers a way of making reality, intimate and personal, and also really being able to express ourselves fully in all of the plurality within and without.

What is special about archetypal intelligence or archetypal wisdom is that it really allows us to be the center of our reality. It brings reality home into the body as the experience of our senses, and the ability to express that experience through embodied traditions.

Archetypal traditions are very old, they're probably one of the most ancient intelligences of the world, and they existed across cultures. What is common to many of these traditions is that they were mostly embodied. They had ritual and ceremony, and they had poetic invocations of deities, which was a way of allowing us to just begin this investigation into this archetypal space.

And what archetypal expressions do most importantly is it is about the transformation of consciousness. It really reclaims the multiple beings that we are within us. We are so constrained and suffocated when we forget this vessel of vastness that we are and when we are able to hold all this other knowledge systems within this vessel of vastness, this archetypal vessel, everything finds its rightful place. It also gives us a way of being with complexity of allowing people explore pluralities and their plural expressions without feeling that it in some way constrains us so you can see how in our times, this archetypal wisdom is something that is unique and something that is so important to truly allow us to express that wonderful multiple beings that we are within and without.

Padma Menon