Dance is a technology of Consciousness!

In many ancient traditions across the world had dance was the central modality of their intelligence. Dance in these traditions had the role of being a technology of body consciousness. And that is because many of these traditions were alive to a more expansive intelligence that would allow them to mirror the multi-dimensional and expansive nature of Reality itself.

Today, when we speak about mind body traditions, many of them are really mind over body, or they are bending the body to the knowledge of the mind, the texts or philosophies or techniques. But here I'm speaking about a role of dance that goes beyond just that connection of mind and body. It is where we allow the body to lead. And the amazing thing is that because the body leading is non-hierarchical, and so that doesn't mean that the mind is not important, or the mind is out of the room. But it just means that it finds its rightful place.

Dance today is considered recreation. To propose that dance can be a serious intelligence, or a technology of consciousness is a difficult proposition. But in many archetypal traditions, even today, dance is this technology.

I'm going to share three things with you about this role of dance. One, that the dance, that the body is a multi sensor, real intelligence. And what I mean by that is that it is of the senses. And it's simply not just, I see something, or I listen to something. But multisensorial is that ability to actually experience all of the senses. At the same time, this is impossible to do it through the mind, because the mind is a linear intelligence, so it is one after the other. And that's where dance in these, this kind of archetypal dancing brings us it matches that multi dimensionality of the body and really allows us to experience that multi dimensionality. Why is multi dimensionality important? Because reality is multi dimensional, although we have arranged reality as if it is linear, and it just because we have to cope with our mental intelligence, we think it's one after the other. So we have narratives or even words and texts, where there is this narrative intelligence. But in fact, in reality, many things happen at the same time. And what this these dance traditions, these archetypal dance traditions allow us to do is to be able to move and express that multi dimensionality of the body and of reality. The second thing is that the body is the language of the body is movement. It is not just movement that represents something. A lot of the time when we use dance today, we are representing a story even if it is the story, psychological story of our feelings or we're representing a technique, but there is a different way of using dance where it is actually off the body. It is free from narrative and it is off the body the crew also that it will come to is like a poem, a poem, which is not a linear text, and the body is poor, it's a poetic intelligence. And sometimes it cannot be brought into words. And that's where what dance allows us to do is to express that intelligence. And when I say Express, we come to the third aspect, the body is an expressive intelligence, it must express through the movement. And this expression is how the body how can I put it interacts with reality interacts with the more expansive consciousness matches and mirrors it learns, brings that learning back, and then presents it again. And so there is this ongoing spiraling process that happens. And this is the thing about the body is it's not templated. It's not about what we already know, but it is a constantly renewing and refreshing intelligence, and that is happening through this expression. And that the and responding to that expression, bringing it back in and expressing again. So it is not about stillness, as as far as the body is concerned. It is about that expression and action in the world. And all of this is because reality itself is an ever renewing multi dimensional complex consciousness. And what these archetypal dance traditions did is to match that consciousness, because that consciousness begins not out there, but our body matter of body itself is of that very same nature as nature, capital N, nature and dance, is that connecting or that intelligence that mirrors Yeah, I think mirrors is a better thing. It's not even disconnected because then it kind of it's like there are two separate things. But here it's like this, this mirroring this uniting mirror is this role of archetypal dance

Padma Menon