Connecting the dots

Photo Geoffery Dunn

Like many rivers coming together, dance helps me connect all the streams of my life.

-words from Individual program participant

Ancient people looked at the heavens and joined the dots across the night skies. They saw an archer, a ram, a bull, seven sisters, a tear and a myriad of other experiences from their own lives reflected in the heavens. They recognised the Divine Deities these constellations. They knew to do this because they danced their spiritual inquiry.

Dance in many ancient cultures is the original prophecy, the first descent the revelation of our Divine Consciousness. Dance connects the dots of the seeming multiplicity and separation of Reality through sensation.

Sensation is that cosmos that lies deeper than thought, in the intimacy of the embodied consciousness that pre-exists the mind. This cosmos is revealed through the Deities that dance through our bodies when we approach them in freedom from everything we know.

The dancing Deities connect the dots for us. Through them we sense how we are siblings of trees, plants and all other animals. We recognise the teaching each aspect of Nature holds for us—the anthill, the mountain and the storm.

And we can sense how celestial constellations reflect that connected cosmos we inhabit in our bodies. As a sensation, the constellations reflect the embodied constellations revealed as dance.

Shiva’s dance is the cosmos because when we hold Shiva in our bodies we are the cosmos. Our body is the site of the unraveling of reality. Shiva’s dance connects the dots between us and every aspect of reality so that everything is His beauteous cosmic pulsation that is the essence of Reality.

Padma Menon