The play or Lila of the Divine Feminine

I have a beatiful Anthill Goddess site on the mountain near where I live. And for some time now, this has been the temple for my daily pilgrimage. Anthills, like stones, trees, caves and other aspects of nature, are ancient signs of the Goddess in the Goddess Wisdom tradition from India.

For some days now, the Goddess has been in Her play or Lila mode- receding into avahitta or the dance of play, trickery and mystery. These are all loaded words, with values our minds have attached to them as good or bad. In Goddess tradition this is Lila, the dance of the Divine Feminine Consciousness that eludes labeling, understanding and, inevitably, control of reality through our narratives.

It is a dance because it is only by dancing the Lila ourselves that we sense the nature of Reality/Goddess Consciousness. The avahitta movement is at once seductive, playful, secretive and cheeky. It is like the Goddess asking, "You think you know me?"

The Anthill Goddess has been slowly veiling Herself behind the ever increasing lush grass. thriving after the abundant rain. I have watched Her teasing from behind this curtain as it progressively hides Her to my view.

I sense how it is futile to hang on to definition, the past and the conquest by knowing. One day I will turn up at the place where I have fixed my temple and She would have melted into Earth. She reminds me why the Goddess is nomadic, because She is everywhere. There are new anthills birthing all around Her even as She veils Herself.

This is why dance is the Goddess, because dance is essentially of the momentary encounter of mind with Kshetra or Goddess Body. It is a movement that liberates us to the materiality of expansiveness as Earth and all Her beauteous manifestations.

Padma Menon